I: Sort of indigenous
So what is up with this thing Nagoya? Well, this major international conference that is happening at the Nagoya Congress Center (see above), starting on October 18 and lasting until 29. No doubt, you find more information and conference bouncy theme song necessarily lured. You certainly by reams of official documents, most published, was written still fascinated by all stoically.
So what is up with this thing Nagoya? Well, this major international conference that is happening at the Nagoya Congress Center (see above), starting on October 18 and lasting until 29. No doubt, you find more information and conference bouncy theme song necessarily lured. You certainly by reams of official documents, most published, was written still fascinated by all stoically.
The problem is, is that a lot of jargon on how all these meetings down there. You "party conference" (or police), you must "convention", and you "Secretariats." I chose not to mention the "Subsidiary body" part, because I believe that would have officially made the previous sentence is the world's most boring.
And while, if that was not bad enough, many of these policy documents have been written to speak painful / legalese language, apparently trying to make readers writers is responsible for approval of extinction. Worse, Nagoya is the tone of media coverage is becoming, and this means that you tend to interpret the public needs, not like you with similar recent outings (eg, Copenhagen comes to mind) did.

Lucky for us, seems to be many similarities between these matters and how the United Nations seems to be a planet in the world politics of Star Wars will run there. However, unlike good enough to warrant having to go in bridging the two. This may be simple little things, but basically analogous to a little like this:
Convention (and in particular the Convention of Biodiversity): I have more to write about this later, but the CBD is what all the fuss about will be in Nagoya. This is an international agreement already by a bunch of country that is basically to check and reboot the system is supported. As well as the "Convention" The agreement required by international law classified. Like companies in which majority voting is won - you either in or outside you.

Lucky for us, seems to be many similarities between these matters and how the United Nations seems to be a planet in the world politics of Star Wars will run there. However, unlike good enough to warrant having to go in bridging the two. This may be simple little things, but basically analogous to a little like this:
Convention (and in particular the Convention of Biodiversity): I have more to write about this later, but the CBD is what all the fuss about will be in Nagoya. This is an international agreement already by a bunch of country that is basically to check and reboot the system is supported. As well as the "Convention" The agreement required by international law classified. Like companies in which majority voting is won - you either in or outside you.
The aim, of course, is come up with a document that everyone, or at least, almost everyone is fine with - is understandable, not something easy to do. In Star Wars, it would be like some kind of galactic treaty over mulled (except obviously the words galactic treaty, the Convention method cooler).
Conference of Parties (Police): The collective term for all countries that technically already "on board" with the Convention - is the variety of meanings, including the practice of signing the convention, and then received their National Manager up to the government (technically it would be called "approved" convention). In sum, currently there are 193 countries that are parties in the conference. "In Star Wars terms, like the police can all members of the Galactic Republic have agreed to abide by the rules, said the treaty requires: Galactic.
Secretariat: United Nations Affairs, Secretariat for more or less referring to smaller groups of people that includes certain core group or executive meeting. This sounds very much on the role of the structure near the Galactic Senate. You might also star in the war, was Supreme Chancellor, who headed the secretariat is to remember. If CBD is this Executive Secretary, a person is named Ahmed Djoghlaf.
Nagoya - COP10? In Star Wars, any movie, many political issues going on with its large black room with all the fancy floating balcony. The Senate building on the planet Coruscant, which I was a bit like the UN General Assembly Hall in New York headquarters. However, the Convention for such meetings, (one-tenth that of the police in particular - hence the name of the "COP10"), they tend to hold large conference center is receiving, and Well suspicious areas. In other words, for us Star Wars analogy, members of the Galactic Republic in the treaty not likely to meet on Coruscant: instead, they'll find a host of other planets. Also, it would be unlikely for such a meeting is in the same place like Hoth (very cold) or Tatooine (too dusty) to be held, but a planet like Alderaan (However, before it was destroyed ) or Naboo, apparently both are beautiful.
SBSTTA: "Peace in the Republic of Iranian Revolutionary Guards:" Of course, during all this, you are probably wondering where to enter the serious Star Wars, the Order members were seriously essentially Furthermore, the Council was serious, often a key the goal of providing information and advice. This means that the source of their knowledge and wisdom, and a kind of police force to ensure that people follow the laws of the treaty was worth. Convention on the diversity of our land, there is something called SBSTTA (the unfortunately named but the droid mess acronym is working "side of the body of scientific, technical and technical consulting.") This, I guess, is as a group could be "serious but without lightsabers Furthermore, no specific cooling power." I other words, while the role of SBSTTA target objective advice, in particular, to assist the police in the nuances of science and technology of biological diversity, neither they nor how much had a part in their implementation of the Convention. Kind of like a bunch of serious to tell you their expert opinion on issues being discussed, but unfortunately incapable of kicking ass in the members choose to ignore the intergalactic law. This is actually one of the major problems in international environmental treaties - there is really a mechanism to get decent police members followed through.

SBSTTA also noted that similar to what IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) to the issues of climate change, but in much smaller and some say the way slighter (more about this later).
Emperor? In Star Wars, was that note, a little about the senator and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine manage to plan their way to create a galactic empire. The world's CBD, there really is such a person or country is a member of the police, but the factors which affect different countries differently there. Perhaps the best example is that of something like Trade Federation in Star Wars I think. Somewhat similar to how one may view the G8 and G20 these days - the alliance was based on economic penetration. Also, you can imagine that the country in less incidental economic standings (ie developing countries) to use in making decisions together, whether that is what happens in these matters. As a side bar, I should note that, ironically, Nagoya conference whether "technical" Emperor involved - this would be Emperor Akihito, the head of Japan's royal family and King of the host country.
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II. Why are due to biological diversity?
Given that Nagoya COP10 summit is all about the Convention of Biodiversity (CBD), it probably a good thing to talk a bit about your convention. Let's start with general issues, namely what it represents, and then stored for post details later.
Simply, it's international treaty that aims is to look after the land was biodiversity. Here, CBD defines biodiversity as:
"Variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and ecosystems"
In other words, CBD, there are shows (as well as actions) that we as humans should try a decent relationship with all other creatures can be found on our planet have.
Conference of Parties (Police): The collective term for all countries that technically already "on board" with the Convention - is the variety of meanings, including the practice of signing the convention, and then received their National Manager up to the government (technically it would be called "approved" convention). In sum, currently there are 193 countries that are parties in the conference. "In Star Wars terms, like the police can all members of the Galactic Republic have agreed to abide by the rules, said the treaty requires: Galactic.
Secretariat: United Nations Affairs, Secretariat for more or less referring to smaller groups of people that includes certain core group or executive meeting. This sounds very much on the role of the structure near the Galactic Senate. You might also star in the war, was Supreme Chancellor, who headed the secretariat is to remember. If CBD is this Executive Secretary, a person is named Ahmed Djoghlaf.
Nagoya - COP10? In Star Wars, any movie, many political issues going on with its large black room with all the fancy floating balcony. The Senate building on the planet Coruscant, which I was a bit like the UN General Assembly Hall in New York headquarters. However, the Convention for such meetings, (one-tenth that of the police in particular - hence the name of the "COP10"), they tend to hold large conference center is receiving, and Well suspicious areas. In other words, for us Star Wars analogy, members of the Galactic Republic in the treaty not likely to meet on Coruscant: instead, they'll find a host of other planets. Also, it would be unlikely for such a meeting is in the same place like Hoth (very cold) or Tatooine (too dusty) to be held, but a planet like Alderaan (However, before it was destroyed ) or Naboo, apparently both are beautiful.
SBSTTA: "Peace in the Republic of Iranian Revolutionary Guards:" Of course, during all this, you are probably wondering where to enter the serious Star Wars, the Order members were seriously essentially Furthermore, the Council was serious, often a key the goal of providing information and advice. This means that the source of their knowledge and wisdom, and a kind of police force to ensure that people follow the laws of the treaty was worth. Convention on the diversity of our land, there is something called SBSTTA (the unfortunately named but the droid mess acronym is working "side of the body of scientific, technical and technical consulting.") This, I guess, is as a group could be "serious but without lightsabers Furthermore, no specific cooling power." I other words, while the role of SBSTTA target objective advice, in particular, to assist the police in the nuances of science and technology of biological diversity, neither they nor how much had a part in their implementation of the Convention. Kind of like a bunch of serious to tell you their expert opinion on issues being discussed, but unfortunately incapable of kicking ass in the members choose to ignore the intergalactic law. This is actually one of the major problems in international environmental treaties - there is really a mechanism to get decent police members followed through.

SBSTTA also noted that similar to what IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) to the issues of climate change, but in much smaller and some say the way slighter (more about this later).
Emperor? In Star Wars, was that note, a little about the senator and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine manage to plan their way to create a galactic empire. The world's CBD, there really is such a person or country is a member of the police, but the factors which affect different countries differently there. Perhaps the best example is that of something like Trade Federation in Star Wars I think. Somewhat similar to how one may view the G8 and G20 these days - the alliance was based on economic penetration. Also, you can imagine that the country in less incidental economic standings (ie developing countries) to use in making decisions together, whether that is what happens in these matters. As a side bar, I should note that, ironically, Nagoya conference whether "technical" Emperor involved - this would be Emperor Akihito, the head of Japan's royal family and King of the host country.
- - -
II. Why are due to biological diversity?
Given that Nagoya COP10 summit is all about the Convention of Biodiversity (CBD), it probably a good thing to talk a bit about your convention. Let's start with general issues, namely what it represents, and then stored for post details later.
Simply, it's international treaty that aims is to look after the land was biodiversity. Here, CBD defines biodiversity as:
"Variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and ecosystems"
In other words, CBD, there are shows (as well as actions) that we as humans should try a decent relationship with all other creatures can be found on our planet have.
Nagoya prime video
This may sound obvious, but one of the problems with the notion of biodiversity is that sometimes, it just feels not enough credit -. "Troubleshooting" serious so it does not feel like You say the word biodiversity, and is likely to idyllic images of the pop landscape where your head - maybe you even imagine a lot of birds chirping in the background, or two deer in the distance, and of course, a bear You may actually be flying. For lack of a better word, biodiversity just felt "good."
However, protection of biodiversity is really mostly about coming to terms with the fact that we as humans, tend to emphasize the importance of us over, and forgot that at the end of the day, we communicate very strong dependence on other species 20 million or so out there.
I find it to the mother of six degrees of Kevin Bacon all the exercises, almost everything we, the work, feeding and taking inspiration from Akin, a link to be captured at least one species of living out there .

Think about what you're doing now. You probably sit in the local / town / city that is likely due to its proximity to easily resolve certain: the soil good for growing crops, timber forests to build objects, decent water supply, land that easily was traveling, and so on. Your accommodation sits on most things organic root full - wood used in its structure, fabric in many of their clothes, objects that include things such as natural rubber, most anything with a pleasant scent. Then, of course, you have the energy to move, and think, and be, and this is the energy of your food, perhaps the most obvious connection to the biodiversity we can think of. Finally, as you read this post in Outlook Outlook, computer full of inspired biodiversity - You are, afterall, surf the "Web" and also a good chance you are using a "mouse" to do so.
In other words, no offense to Kevin Bacon (who also has a link name of biodiversity), but why is not the only bacon six degrees.
However, in concept, this is what the Convention on Biological Diversity is trying to do. This effort to biodiversity to our collective awareness, encouraging governments around the world understand its value and then get everyone to behave responsibly in a way.
Of course the big question is "does it work?" And the short answer is "no."
- - -
IIB: Strip about unfortunate acronyms
Only fast bar related Nagoya.
I'm not sure it if it's intentional or accidental, but the UN seems to be in a ring with acronyms Assembly would be ridiculous. If that was you and you are not aware, the International Covenant policy jargon for "covenant." Two particularly involving environmental perspective are:
First U.N.F.C.C.C. - This is short for United Nations Convention on Climate Change (Kyoto, and what we Copenhagen), but as my friend Alan pointed out, does not it sound more like a curse that UN member with stuttering may tell is working with other UN members?
We then CBD, Convention on Biological Diversity, in my continual Post subject Nagoya (Part 1 | Part 2). Except that the CBD acronym Cannabidiol, is that according to Wiki, "cannabinoid found in cannabis. This phenomenon is much of the plant, representing up to 40% in its extracts."
We can only that any error in this case, for there is no hope of Representatives in Nagoya.
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III: Challenges: Or Why Mac?
O.K. Already in business ... Biodiversity Convention here three primary purpose:
1. Biodiversity Conservation
2. Sustainable use of biodiversity components
3. Fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from utilization of genetic resources
They also have - or had not - aim, purpose of biodiversity, which is the following:
In April 2002, members of the convention committed to achieving by 2010 a significant reduction from the current rate of biodiversity loss at global, regional and national to help reduce poverty and benefit all life on Earth.
This is also why was announced in 2010 as International Year of Biodiversity.
Unfortunately, this goal is way off the mark. Even said that his convention (you can do this with the official entry of this F-read), while other media have been much more emphasized his failure. Nonetheless, as far as all I can say, biodiversity loss rates are not reduced - even close.
But this policy speak indigenous part of the problem. Since the "biodiversity" is such a big issue, nuanced, and multifaceted, and because it also has a word and concept that tricky to pin down in a public environment, it's really difficult for the government to follow along with the demands and objectives of CBD.
For example, the challenge will be immediately obvious, if you look again at the sentence and decided to nitpick.
"Conservation of Biodiversity."
This statement is very much about the monitoring of environmental effects and human impact in general. This, in many ways, the heart of the convention, but it's also an incredible statement to be loaded.
Here, simply matched a query is exactly the best way to do this? And then how you measure it to be? Whether this is done with a focus on projects that in some species at a time; projects that review specific location, or set of scientific criteria defined but in general, like "You have X% of their land into not you. " If so, can his contract with all conventions of different fields related to the different biomes, climate, species, and others.
To put things in perspective, we do not even know the technical terms of number of species out there, we only specific knowledge of the limited diversity within species, and we're closer to understanding the popularity of having a cat LOL even with poor lighting glint of understanding how great algorithms to everything nature all work together.
In fact, if you look at this chart involved (brace yourself if you choose to click it - seems more than a table of complex biochemical path of hell), you can also a line of all elements See the various new CBD has been created over the years, each with specific objectives to address specific elements (eg, corals get you, my forests, invasive species, he should play for what terrains under wet Who? you) it just gives you a taste of the complexities involved, and consequently, show that the challenged "measure" how biodiversity is maintained.
"Sustainable use of components of biodiversity"
The statement also looking for work, but try it out "what is it for me" look angle. As mentioned previously, fruits (sometimes literally) of biodiversity in a large part of our everyday items and other community uses. Thus they not only limits the natural world, but they also manage the economy mechanics, vulnerable and if not the most defenseless against market forces. From this reasoning, you'd think that economic value "components of biodiversity" have been properly laid out.
Unfortunately this is not. Although available studies that attempt to "price" of biodiversity resources (It is noteworthy that most of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment released in 2005), the fact that more needs to be done there. However, this, too, is not a simple proposition. Coming up with effective methods to assign "value" of biodiversity, and perhaps more challenging, they are allocated in a manner that is comprehensive in scope and global accepted, another is a difficult task.
To get a sense of all the little nuances involved in the allocation of value, look at this chart of the case study conducted by Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB). Whether it is noteworthy to compare the effort, the traditional market value (1998 prices) of "log of wood supply and the construction materials sector in China over the 1950-1998 period," against the "ecosystem 'externalities' associated with this logging, in which market prices are not reflected "(the text TEEB study). In other words, the timber is much higher intrinsic value that you consider the environmental impact on other goods and services. These are things like side effects of deforestation from wood said: loss of such precipitation, land for building stability, increased susceptibility to flooding, etc. In fact, here essentially chart shows the value of wood may more left in it!
Currently, there are likely all manner of things with numbers obtained with these figures: maybe they too approximate, may work only in the Chinese scenario, perhaps they lost X, ý and / or Z. But the basic reason, this is probably worth it for governments and businesses to see such things in detail, and perhaps even discover a way to include (or "internal", if you want to use the terminology A special grade) their own method of accounting. However, this is generally not the case. Obviously, the weak state is defined in the field. And for business?
Annual review by PwC of the 100 largest companies in the world by revenue in 2008 found 18 companies that were mentioned or biodiversity ecosystems34. Of these, six companies reported measures to reduce impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems and biodiversity identified two companies as a key strategic issue. 89 of 100 companies that published sustainability reports, 24 described the measures to reduce impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems, while nine companies in identifying the effects of biodiversity as an issue of sustainability 'button. (Report TEEB for Business, 2010).
Obviously, more needs to be done here as well.
"Fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from utilization of genetic resources."
The purpose of sharing everything is about being fair. It is very difficult to succeed. What a good way to address this goal is all about providing samples in general.
1. I am a poor country and I related to biodiversity resources (say, forest) will benefit the economy and why I have my components. I do not think it fair for you to tell me what to do with this resource - even the name of monitoring the environment. More than that, the rich countries already benefit from their past actions unenvironmentally friendly (say, cutting their forests.) If you want me to say the right thing (again called the environment) what they insist, at least there is some compensation for it to be?
2. In my country this plant is freaking great that we are using for medicinal purposes. Location of these plants, the best time to harvest, and the proper way to prepare it, the knowledge that in years passed, all the way is my oldest ancestor. Not only factory "freaking great", but it also is important economically and culturally. Now apparently, people dressed in business are planning to go "genetic and biochemical" in the plant. They hope to distill "awesomeness freaking" to tangle single atoms: then it probably in the market and do business with it. For this, I say that I discovered the opposite "freaking great" muddle not atoms, but I wonder if there should be no "fair" compensation culture me.
However, protection of biodiversity is really mostly about coming to terms with the fact that we as humans, tend to emphasize the importance of us over, and forgot that at the end of the day, we communicate very strong dependence on other species 20 million or so out there.
I find it to the mother of six degrees of Kevin Bacon all the exercises, almost everything we, the work, feeding and taking inspiration from Akin, a link to be captured at least one species of living out there .

Think about what you're doing now. You probably sit in the local / town / city that is likely due to its proximity to easily resolve certain: the soil good for growing crops, timber forests to build objects, decent water supply, land that easily was traveling, and so on. Your accommodation sits on most things organic root full - wood used in its structure, fabric in many of their clothes, objects that include things such as natural rubber, most anything with a pleasant scent. Then, of course, you have the energy to move, and think, and be, and this is the energy of your food, perhaps the most obvious connection to the biodiversity we can think of. Finally, as you read this post in Outlook Outlook, computer full of inspired biodiversity - You are, afterall, surf the "Web" and also a good chance you are using a "mouse" to do so.
However, in concept, this is what the Convention on Biological Diversity is trying to do. This effort to biodiversity to our collective awareness, encouraging governments around the world understand its value and then get everyone to behave responsibly in a way.
Of course the big question is "does it work?" And the short answer is "no."
- - -
IIB: Strip about unfortunate acronyms
Only fast bar related Nagoya.
I'm not sure it if it's intentional or accidental, but the UN seems to be in a ring with acronyms Assembly would be ridiculous. If that was you and you are not aware, the International Covenant policy jargon for "covenant." Two particularly involving environmental perspective are:
First U.N.F.C.C.C. - This is short for United Nations Convention on Climate Change (Kyoto, and what we Copenhagen), but as my friend Alan pointed out, does not it sound more like a curse that UN member with stuttering may tell is working with other UN members?
We then CBD, Convention on Biological Diversity, in my continual Post subject Nagoya (Part 1 | Part 2). Except that the CBD acronym Cannabidiol, is that according to Wiki, "cannabinoid found in cannabis. This phenomenon is much of the plant, representing up to 40% in its extracts."
We can only that any error in this case, for there is no hope of Representatives in Nagoya.
- - -
III: Challenges: Or Why Mac?
O.K. Already in business ... Biodiversity Convention here three primary purpose:
1. Biodiversity Conservation
2. Sustainable use of biodiversity components
3. Fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from utilization of genetic resources
They also have - or had not - aim, purpose of biodiversity, which is the following:
In April 2002, members of the convention committed to achieving by 2010 a significant reduction from the current rate of biodiversity loss at global, regional and national to help reduce poverty and benefit all life on Earth.
This is also why was announced in 2010 as International Year of Biodiversity.
Unfortunately, this goal is way off the mark. Even said that his convention (you can do this with the official entry of this F-read), while other media have been much more emphasized his failure. Nonetheless, as far as all I can say, biodiversity loss rates are not reduced - even close.
But this policy speak indigenous part of the problem. Since the "biodiversity" is such a big issue, nuanced, and multifaceted, and because it also has a word and concept that tricky to pin down in a public environment, it's really difficult for the government to follow along with the demands and objectives of CBD.
For example, the challenge will be immediately obvious, if you look again at the sentence and decided to nitpick.
"Conservation of Biodiversity."
This statement is very much about the monitoring of environmental effects and human impact in general. This, in many ways, the heart of the convention, but it's also an incredible statement to be loaded.
Here, simply matched a query is exactly the best way to do this? And then how you measure it to be? Whether this is done with a focus on projects that in some species at a time; projects that review specific location, or set of scientific criteria defined but in general, like "You have X% of their land into not you. " If so, can his contract with all conventions of different fields related to the different biomes, climate, species, and others.
To put things in perspective, we do not even know the technical terms of number of species out there, we only specific knowledge of the limited diversity within species, and we're closer to understanding the popularity of having a cat LOL even with poor lighting glint of understanding how great algorithms to everything nature all work together.
In fact, if you look at this chart involved (brace yourself if you choose to click it - seems more than a table of complex biochemical path of hell), you can also a line of all elements See the various new CBD has been created over the years, each with specific objectives to address specific elements (eg, corals get you, my forests, invasive species, he should play for what terrains under wet Who? you) it just gives you a taste of the complexities involved, and consequently, show that the challenged "measure" how biodiversity is maintained.
"Sustainable use of components of biodiversity"
The statement also looking for work, but try it out "what is it for me" look angle. As mentioned previously, fruits (sometimes literally) of biodiversity in a large part of our everyday items and other community uses. Thus they not only limits the natural world, but they also manage the economy mechanics, vulnerable and if not the most defenseless against market forces. From this reasoning, you'd think that economic value "components of biodiversity" have been properly laid out.
Unfortunately this is not. Although available studies that attempt to "price" of biodiversity resources (It is noteworthy that most of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment released in 2005), the fact that more needs to be done there. However, this, too, is not a simple proposition. Coming up with effective methods to assign "value" of biodiversity, and perhaps more challenging, they are allocated in a manner that is comprehensive in scope and global accepted, another is a difficult task.
To get a sense of all the little nuances involved in the allocation of value, look at this chart of the case study conducted by Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB). Whether it is noteworthy to compare the effort, the traditional market value (1998 prices) of "log of wood supply and the construction materials sector in China over the 1950-1998 period," against the "ecosystem 'externalities' associated with this logging, in which market prices are not reflected "(the text TEEB study). In other words, the timber is much higher intrinsic value that you consider the environmental impact on other goods and services. These are things like side effects of deforestation from wood said: loss of such precipitation, land for building stability, increased susceptibility to flooding, etc. In fact, here essentially chart shows the value of wood may more left in it!
Currently, there are likely all manner of things with numbers obtained with these figures: maybe they too approximate, may work only in the Chinese scenario, perhaps they lost X, ý and / or Z. But the basic reason, this is probably worth it for governments and businesses to see such things in detail, and perhaps even discover a way to include (or "internal", if you want to use the terminology A special grade) their own method of accounting. However, this is generally not the case. Obviously, the weak state is defined in the field. And for business?
Annual review by PwC of the 100 largest companies in the world by revenue in 2008 found 18 companies that were mentioned or biodiversity ecosystems34. Of these, six companies reported measures to reduce impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems and biodiversity identified two companies as a key strategic issue. 89 of 100 companies that published sustainability reports, 24 described the measures to reduce impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems, while nine companies in identifying the effects of biodiversity as an issue of sustainability 'button. (Report TEEB for Business, 2010).
Obviously, more needs to be done here as well.
"Fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from utilization of genetic resources."
The purpose of sharing everything is about being fair. It is very difficult to succeed. What a good way to address this goal is all about providing samples in general.
Nagoya prime video-2
1. I am a poor country and I related to biodiversity resources (say, forest) will benefit the economy and why I have my components. I do not think it fair for you to tell me what to do with this resource - even the name of monitoring the environment. More than that, the rich countries already benefit from their past actions unenvironmentally friendly (say, cutting their forests.) If you want me to say the right thing (again called the environment) what they insist, at least there is some compensation for it to be?
2. In my country this plant is freaking great that we are using for medicinal purposes. Location of these plants, the best time to harvest, and the proper way to prepare it, the knowledge that in years passed, all the way is my oldest ancestor. Not only factory "freaking great", but it also is important economically and culturally. Now apparently, people dressed in business are planning to go "genetic and biochemical" in the plant. They hope to distill "awesomeness freaking" to tangle single atoms: then it probably in the market and do business with it. For this, I say that I discovered the opposite "freaking great" muddle not atoms, but I wonder if there should be no "fair" compensation culture me.
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