In this case we want to keep in touch relationships that thermodynamic quantities (ΔG, ΔH, ΔS, ΔCp) practical and strategic information about biomolecules -

Thermodynamics of the Earth, we started trying to define the same set of "rules biothermodynamics" are their own. No one has anything that could actually called "law" yet, but some very interesting "instructions" there, and one of the strongest in the heat capacity (ΔCp).

It is known that ΔCp quite strongly to changes in exposed surface during the reaction is related to the land. In other words: if two proteins interact and buried surface in some areas of mutual interface - you big heat capacity change (large ΔCp) see.

When a protein against a random coil structure in your good books, visit it again buries many levels that random coil was placed inside the protein eaten now tucked - and again: large heat capacity has changed. But here is the exciting part: ΔCp measured for many types of reactions directly to the ground level of a small amount that can be buried or exposed to suit.
capacity of heat video

And why things like laws of thermodynamics because the work: many, many laboratory measurements on both sides of the equation (the heat capacity and towards the interaction region) and found that works with almost all the time - for some Types of biological reactions - working together for virtually all of the proteins and protein-protein interactions, it only works for about half of the protein DNA interaction. This is still a very active research area, the feeling is: It works well for many reactions from the ground, maybe a few more aspects of communication we need to discover where you would be a law "is of biothermodynamics ".
capacity of heat video-2
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