These funds crisis, which almost always means that many things happen that I write about and that the week after that I added (for example, next week) is usually something interesting happens to write about my posting on the left LOL cats or something like that. That as it may sometimes happen that what goads me to the point where I think, although the reality keeps me from my usual logorrhea. Who knows, maybe this is a good thing.
However, yesterday Brandon Thorp (who also works for JREF) Bullock teamed with Penn to write a disturbing report on how much political influence as well-known anti-vaccine activists and manage Florida pseudoscientists under Crist Gary sponsor Kompothecras bully Florida health officials. This is quite scary, as is Kompothecras physiotherapists with lots of money and a very strong anti-vaccination beliefs who do not hesitate to contact your cash and use of a dangerous agenda that could endanger children Pressure:
"This madness has got to stop. No more double talk. This should be a relatively straightforward study. I feel that the hidden programs going on there and I'll stand by [and] let it continue that! I can not wait any longer, "reads an email on August 6 to the doctor the doctor Gary Kompothecras Julia Gill, director of the Florida Department of Health (DOH) Disease Control Division dated.
Coming from anyone else, blustery threats may simply email was fired. But "Grey's doctor," as Kompothecras is known, self-styled "Rainmaker," Sarasota chiropractor who has more than one million dollars during the year for Senate candidate and soon introduced the former governor is Charlie Crist.
So limited it to turn over when the man sometimes called lend Private jet to the governor using his political influence to try to bully Florida health officials to turn over a large number of state immunization records sealed. Especially when they're for the father and son team, doctor Mark and David Geier, notorious for injecting children with autism with Lupron, a chemical used drug for patients with prostate cancer and castrate pedophiles.
I am sure that regular readers of this blog are well aware that Geiers. I've been writing about them since 2006. In fact, they are father and son team of anti-vaccine "scientists", with Father Mark Geier is not a boy and being a real doctor. Both believe that vaccines cause autism and, in particular, the mercury in vaccines cause autism, they believe that so completely chelation therapy can treat or even "treat" autism (autism). They've been around for years in the making for antivax underground conference promoting the idea that they continue to work from the basement of Mark Geier also been appointed in his home in Silver Spring, doctor. Together, about five or six years ago, they fancied the idea, but the infamous mercury dangerous somehow connected to testosterone and keeps it from being chelated and removed. Solution? Chemical castration with drugs normally used to treat patients with precocious puberty and hormone-sensitive tumors such as prostate cancer and breast cancer. In fact, Lupron chemical castration. The closing production of sex hormones, either estradiol or testosterone in men and women. So, right off the bat is bullying Kompothecras health officials in Florida suport of quackery. And they may get their way:
Well placed source within the state of Florida, who wanted to remain anonymous, claimed the governor is putting "political pressure" on the DOH to submit to demands Geiers ... Instead, senior DOH - "at - will" employees who can be fired without a stated reason - hoping to study booths Geiers' until a new government comes in Tallahassee, the source said: "This too no political will to approve the study, but no one wants. or to be fired. "
So apparently supported Governor Crist antivaccine pseudoscience as well. Either that, or he's just about the health of Florida's children is not important and so willing to turn over the records sealed to a few quacks to do a retrospective study because of fake pro-big money he wants to. According to the record Geiers', including the study undoubtedly another hunk JPANDS - is worthy of absolute nonsense, but no doubt they can use it to seed fear and doubts about the vaccine.
Worse, however, Kompothecras is trying to bully the Florida health officials are doing to serve HIPAA violations quackery antivaccine:
In 2004, shortly before they begin to experience with Lupron, Geiers were conducting research at the Centers Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquarters when they caught the technical supervision of data manipulation and analysis conducted confidential Patients put at risk. Study terminated.
Like their Florida study suggested, through research involving immunization record elk in hope of finding the relationship between vaccines and autism. But unlike the CDC files, information Geiers Florida to study for their patients and address containing social security numbers.
This strange behavior, almost fantastic, so, given that access to medical records are confidential Florida points, right, for the researcher. Those seeking access to such records DOH general approach as supplicants seeking favor.
What it should be, according to the privacy concerns are. Turning to the case will be Geiers atrocities against the patient's right to privacy of the potential windfall to counsel. Remember, Geiers once before for trying to compromise patient privacy when examining the vaccine safety database file was expensive. When Kompothecras your good claims records for persons Mark and David Geier (who is opening a clinic in Florida, this way, children with autism is that individuals "protocol Lupron," they are really part of the franchise and a moderate repulsive), Florida health officials should be doing everything they can to stop him. When kompothecras complained, "This project is long over a year that the actions taken by Florida authorities seems that every single possible delay tactics are working to prevent the study from going forward."

However, yesterday Brandon Thorp (who also works for JREF) Bullock teamed with Penn to write a disturbing report on how much political influence as well-known anti-vaccine activists and manage Florida pseudoscientists under Crist Gary sponsor Kompothecras bully Florida health officials. This is quite scary, as is Kompothecras physiotherapists with lots of money and a very strong anti-vaccination beliefs who do not hesitate to contact your cash and use of a dangerous agenda that could endanger children Pressure:

"This madness has got to stop. No more double talk. This should be a relatively straightforward study. I feel that the hidden programs going on there and I'll stand by [and] let it continue that! I can not wait any longer, "reads an email on August 6 to the doctor the doctor Gary Kompothecras Julia Gill, director of the Florida Department of Health (DOH) Disease Control Division dated.

Coming from anyone else, blustery threats may simply email was fired. But "Grey's doctor," as Kompothecras is known, self-styled "Rainmaker," Sarasota chiropractor who has more than one million dollars during the year for Senate candidate and soon introduced the former governor is Charlie Crist.
So limited it to turn over when the man sometimes called lend Private jet to the governor using his political influence to try to bully Florida health officials to turn over a large number of state immunization records sealed. Especially when they're for the father and son team, doctor Mark and David Geier, notorious for injecting children with autism with Lupron, a chemical used drug for patients with prostate cancer and castrate pedophiles.

I am sure that regular readers of this blog are well aware that Geiers. I've been writing about them since 2006. In fact, they are father and son team of anti-vaccine "scientists", with Father Mark Geier is not a boy and being a real doctor. Both believe that vaccines cause autism and, in particular, the mercury in vaccines cause autism, they believe that so completely chelation therapy can treat or even "treat" autism (autism). They've been around for years in the making for antivax underground conference promoting the idea that they continue to work from the basement of Mark Geier also been appointed in his home in Silver Spring, doctor. Together, about five or six years ago, they fancied the idea, but the infamous mercury dangerous somehow connected to testosterone and keeps it from being chelated and removed. Solution? Chemical castration with drugs normally used to treat patients with precocious puberty and hormone-sensitive tumors such as prostate cancer and breast cancer. In fact, Lupron chemical castration. The closing production of sex hormones, either estradiol or testosterone in men and women. So, right off the bat is bullying Kompothecras health officials in Florida suport of quackery. And they may get their way:

Well placed source within the state of Florida, who wanted to remain anonymous, claimed the governor is putting "political pressure" on the DOH to submit to demands Geiers ... Instead, senior DOH - "at - will" employees who can be fired without a stated reason - hoping to study booths Geiers' until a new government comes in Tallahassee, the source said: "This too no political will to approve the study, but no one wants. or to be fired. "

So apparently supported Governor Crist antivaccine pseudoscience as well. Either that, or he's just about the health of Florida's children is not important and so willing to turn over the records sealed to a few quacks to do a retrospective study because of fake pro-big money he wants to. According to the record Geiers', including the study undoubtedly another hunk JPANDS - is worthy of absolute nonsense, but no doubt they can use it to seed fear and doubts about the vaccine.

Worse, however, Kompothecras is trying to bully the Florida health officials are doing to serve HIPAA violations quackery antivaccine:
In 2004, shortly before they begin to experience with Lupron, Geiers were conducting research at the Centers Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquarters when they caught the technical supervision of data manipulation and analysis conducted confidential Patients put at risk. Study terminated.

Like their Florida study suggested, through research involving immunization record elk in hope of finding the relationship between vaccines and autism. But unlike the CDC files, information Geiers Florida to study for their patients and address containing social security numbers.

This strange behavior, almost fantastic, so, given that access to medical records are confidential Florida points, right, for the researcher. Those seeking access to such records DOH general approach as supplicants seeking favor.

What it should be, according to the privacy concerns are. Turning to the case will be Geiers atrocities against the patient's right to privacy of the potential windfall to counsel. Remember, Geiers once before for trying to compromise patient privacy when examining the vaccine safety database file was expensive. When Kompothecras your good claims records for persons Mark and David Geier (who is opening a clinic in Florida, this way, children with autism is that individuals "protocol Lupron," they are really part of the franchise and a moderate repulsive), Florida health officials should be doing everything they can to stop him. When kompothecras complained, "This project is long over a year that the actions taken by Florida authorities seems that every single possible delay tactics are working to prevent the study from going forward."
Gary and Charlie Crist Kompothecras tag team video
Good! This is exactly what Florida health officials should be doing. Here's hoping they can run out of time to Crist leaves office. Here is hoping that the article also Bullock Thorp and helps provide health authorities with the coverage they need to continue to resist efforts by Crist in the light of day shine Crist willing to sacrifice the health of children in order to appease supporters of Florida highlights. Crist turning up the heat on blogging too may help. Pseudoscientists no regrets about using politics to override science and trying to get its way; Unfortunately, this means that science advocates are forced to respond.
Gary and Charlie Crist Kompothecras tag team video