Like a fire-and-brimstone preacher, Nathan S. Lewis has been giving a lecture on the energy crisis that is both terrifying and exhilarating. To avoid potentially debilitating global warming, the chemist from the California Institute of Technology says civilization must be able to generate more than 10 trillion watts of clean, carbon-free energy by 2050.

That level is three times the U.S.’s average energy demand of 3.2 trillion watts. Damming up every lake, stream and river on the planet, Lewis notes, would provide only five trillion watts of hydroelectricity. Nuclear power could manage the feat, but the world would have to build a new reactor every two days for the next 50 years.

Before Lewis’s crowds get too depressed, he tells them there is one source of salvation: the sun pours more energy onto the earth every hour than humankind uses in a year. But to be saved, Lewis says, humankind needs a radical breakthrough in solar-fuel technology:
artificial leaves that will capture solar rays and churn out chemical fuel on the spot, much as plants do. We can burn the fuel, as we do oil or natural gas, to power cars, create heat or generate electricity, and we can store the fuel for use when the sun is down.

* Natural energy: Plants produce their own chemical fuel—sugar—from sunlight, air and water, without producing harmful emissions.

* Man-made leaf: Researchers are devising artificial leaves that could similarly convert sunlight and water into hydrogen fuel, which could be burned to power cars, create heat or generate electricity, ending dependence on fossil fuels.
Photosynthesis to Create Clean Fuel video-1
* Nano solution: To be practical, this solar-fuel technology would have to be made cheaply in thin, flexible sheets, perhaps from silicon nanowires, and use inexpensive catalysts that help to generate hydrogen efficiently.
Photosynthesis to Create Clean Fuel video-2
* Nano solution: To be practical, this solar-fuel technology would have to be made cheaply in thin, flexible sheets, perhaps from silicon nanowires, and use inexpensive catalysts that help to generate hydrogen efficiently.
Photosynthesis to Create Clean Fuel video-2